Employment during the COVID Pandemic

The pandemic and restrictions imposed on us to stay home have changed our home, leisure, and work activities and could influence career choices or change. The Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) published by the Dept. of Labor is one source used by vocational career counselors to “find” jobs and careers by interests and activities. Some careers can be performed now, others might require education or training that you already have. Here’s a few from my practice and the GOE.

Activity: Announcing, conducting leading programs
Careers: News, Broadcasting, Public Relations, Recreational Services

Activity: Buying large quantities of food or other products for organizations
Careers: Material control, inventory management, supply chain, managerial work – personal services, management and administrative support

As we honor those who have served and continue to serve, let me know of a military occupational specialty (MOS) I can cross-walk by interest to civilian career(s) to help identify your civilian career.